| 1. | Jesus christ came into the world to save us from our sins . 基督降世拯救我们摆脱罪恶。
| 2. | Just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, you think you are jesus christ ? 只因你出生富贵,便以为自己了不起?
| 3. | I am sincere christian . i have accepted jesus christ as my personal savior . 我是一个虔诚的基督教徒,我已接受耶稣基督为我个人的救主。
| 4. | He did caution him to be respectful if someone named jesus christ called . 他的确告诫他说,要是有个叫耶苏基督的人打来电话,一定要毕恭毕敬。
| 5. | The crucifixion of jesus christ was, for its day, only a routine execution . 耶稣基督被钉在十字架上处死,这在当时来说只是一种普通的行刑方式。
| 6. | I get it from jesus christ . he was super positive 这全来自耶稣,他是超级积极。
| 7. | I believe in god , jesus christ and the holy ghost 我相信上帝、耶稣基督和圣灵。
| 8. | We want insurance ? - jesus christ , miles 我们要保险金么? -耶稣基督,麦尔斯
| 9. | - we want insurance ? - jesus christ , miles -我们要保险金么? -耶稣基督,麦尔斯
| 10. | To let our customers know about jesus christ 让接触过我们的顾客可以认识主耶稣。